Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Dandelion Pancakes now has a twitter!!!! http://twitter.com/dandipancakes
I'm a brand new user of Twitter and am still learning the ropes. It's very different from Facebook.

I'm trying it out to see if Twitter will lead to more views and more importantly, if these views will lead to more sales! For those of you who use twitter, have you noticed increases in sales? How about other forms of social networking like blogging and facebook?

Anyways, visit my twitter site and follow me- I'd be very excited! http://twitter.com/dandipancakes

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dandelion Pancakes now has a Facebook Page!

Dandelion Pancakes is getting soooo fancy schmancy!!! We now have a Facebook page. Check it out and "like" us! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dandelion-Pancakes/131842116882531

Spread the good upcycled recycled news!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

New item to the Etsy Shop-- Recycled Magazine Basket!

We have a new item in the Etsy Shop- a medium size Recycled Magazine Basket! Check out the store for details!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's official!! Dandelion Pancakes has an Etsy Shop!!!

It's been a while since I've blogged. Since then, of course, I've continued with my foraging and now I'm dabbling in some mushrooming (eating them and also making arts/crafts with them).

My other big news is that I have started an Etsy shop!!!

I've always enjoyed arts and crafts, but over Christmas, I injured my knee and was off my feet for a bit. Of course I can't sit still for long, so I started crafting away. I enjoy making things from natural and/or recycled mat
erials. Lately, I've been making things out of recycled magazine
pages. Coiling and gluing the magazine pages are amazingly addictive! I've turned them into earrings, necklaces and coasters. I've even made a basket and a bowl.

So come on by and check out my crafts and be sure to show your friends!!!